We use linen from France. The plant is grown in Normandy. Following this, it is transported to Poland to become a thread. The knitting of the textile is done in the North of France, close to the border.

We are eager to be able to produce, soon, entirely in France – only the thread making is missing so far.

The linen is certified Masters of linen and OEKO-TEX.

Masters of Linen

The linen tissue we use is certified “Masters of Linen”. This certification assures that the textile never leaves the European Union. The plants are in the North of France the thread is made in Poland and, again, the tissue is done in the North of France.

We are doing our best to make our textile a 100% Made in France product again. But it’s only in 2022 that a new spinning company opened back up in France. For years the country focused on services and not on manufacturing. The knowledge got lost and even no machines have been left in the country. The CELC (European Confederation of Flax and Hemp) does their best to restablish all steps in the country. But this takes time.

For now this certificate already assures quality and limiting transport ways.

Why this material?

When we had the idea of CORKonLINEN we decided to make a material with a lower environmental impact compared to what already excists. The goal was to replace cotton with a more sustainable material.

Did you know that France is the biggest producer of flax and linen worldwide ? – If not, you now understand our motivation. As a French company we thought it should be logical to use what we have in our country.

Furthermore, linen is a super sustainable material working with low environmental impact, barely needs watering (in exceptional years possible), low or no pesticides etc. The plant absorbes a lot of CO2 and helps the soil. (1 hectar absorbes around 3,7 tons a year)

Lin et Chanvre en Bretagne

Even though we already use the French linen, we want to take things further. RTFACT Brands is based in Brest in Brittany. This region of Brittany was historically an important player of flax and hemp. But also in this region we lost the focus on nature.

We are committed to the association “lin et chanvre en Bretagne” to realize our long-term vision: Having the ressources for CORKonLINEN in front of our door.